Top 10k strings from Spectrum Computing - Issue 13 (1985)(ASP Software)(Side B).tzx
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4 ;"START THE TAPE": 4 - Q to Quit": 4 "9";"PRESS A KEY": 3 h;"Page ";a/h: 3 h;"PRESS A KEY": 3 h;" 48K Only"''" Press 2 or 3 for pages or"'" Hold S for 3 "8";"START THE TAPE": 3 THEN PRESS ANY KEY 2 tirnanog 2 S(P),S(P-1 2 Innocent 2 GIFT-GODS 2 ;"Page ";a;" ENTER=Next SPACE=Back" 2 ''" Press ENTER to go to next page"''" Press SPACE to go back a page" 2 2 1 y(f)=(y-bl)+f: 1 y(a)=y+(yt=-2 1 x(f),y(f);" ": 1 x(f),y(f); 1 x(a-l),y(a-l);" "; 1 x(a)=x+(xt=-2 1 w$=" ": 1 snaker 1 screen 1 s=s+w*(550 1 reviews 9 1 or isapparently fond of magenta, my least favourite Spectrum colour.Sam seems to get entangled with the scenery at times, and can get eaten by a policeman whom heis not actually qui 1 mouth=Smouth: 1 mouth=Cmouth: 1 mouth,m;"#$%&"; 1 h(f)=h(f-(h(f-1 1 h$(f)=h$(f-(h(f-1 1 h$(f)="MF ": 1 forthsim j 1 forth 1 eye,e;"#$%&" 1 code 1 cartoon S 1 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamed 'Empty Land'." 1 Z$="Basic Forth Simulation"+ 1 Z$(N)=Z$(P1): 1 YOU@HAVE@NO@TEARS@LEFT@ORESTES@ 1 X$;"NOT FOUND": 1 X$;">";D$(N): 1 Tel (0392) 218166 1 TV,TH;Q$(w 1 THROUGH@[email protected] 1 THE@SHAPE@YOU@WANT@HAS@GONE@ 1 TERRY GREER 1 TAKE@THIS@ONE@TO@THE@GUARDIANS@ 1 STOLEN@A@EUCLIDIAN@SHAPE@@@@ 1 STACK COMMANDS 1 S(Z)=S(V): 1 S(P)=S(P-1 1 S(P);" ";: 1 S(P)-A,S(P-1 1 S(N);"/";: 1 S$=S$+I$(N) 1 RAMTOP IS MOVED - YOU ARE ADVISED TO FOLLOW THE CHAIN-ING UNTIL YOU LEAVE THE REVIEW SECTION TO AVOID UNUSUAL EFFECTS 1 Q$=Q$+Q$+Q$+Q$+Q$+Q$: 1 Q$=" ": 1 ORESTES@IT@IS@I@-@ELECTRA@@@ 1 ORESTES.... 1 ONLY@@@SHAPES@TO@FIND@ 1 NON-STACK COMMANDS 1 KILLED@ELECTRA@ 1 I@ZEUS@SAY@[email protected] 1 I$=I$+" ": 1 HURRY....FOR@BUT@A@SHORT@WHILE@ 1 GRIEVE@NOT@ 1 FOUND@A@TEAR@OF@ICARUS@@@@ 1 FOLLOW@ME@DEAR@BROTHER@@@PAUSE 1 ELECTRA@WILL@BE@AVENGED;@@@@ 1 DEVPAC 1 DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDxxxxxxxxDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDxxxxxxxxDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDxxxxxxxxDDDDDxxxxDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDxxxxxxxxDEEEExxxxEEEEDDDDDDDDDDDxxxxxxxxDEEEEEEEEEEEEDDDDDDDDDDDxxxxxxxxDEEEEEEEEEEEEDDDDDDDDDDDxxxxxxxxDEEEEEEEEEEEEDDDDDDDDDDDxxxxxxxxDEEEEEEEEEEEEBBBBBBBBBBDxxxxxxxxDDDDDDDDDDDDDBxxxxxxxxBDxxxxxxxxDDDDDDDDDDDDDBxxxxxxxxBDxxxxxxxxDDDDDDDDDDDDDBxxxxxxxxBDxxxxxxxxDCCCCCCCCCCCCBxxxxxxxxBDDDDDDDDDDDDCCDCCCCCCDBxxxxxxxxBDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDBxxxxxxxxBDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDBxxxxxxxxBDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDBxOOOOOOxBDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDBx xBDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDBxhhhhhhxBDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDBx0pppp0xBDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDBxxPPPPxxBDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDBBBBBBBBBB 1 DDDDDDDDDDDDD 1 D$(P1)=I$: 1 D$(100,150): 1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX 1 CLYTAEMNESTRA@LIES@DEAD@@@@ 1 CLYTAEMNESTRA@HAS@8HX@x8 1 C$=C$+I$(N) 1 BASIC FORTH SIMULATION 1 APOLLO@SENDS@YOU@THIS@WARNING.. 1 ALL@ILLUSIONS@ARE@GONE@@@@ 1 A+S(P),B+S(P-1 1 A$="JCLHJKDUCKJKLKLCKIHDLJHGHCKLKLJKGIKCIKJGCILDKJLDCJIKLKHKDKJIDCGCGKLKCD": 1 @@@<C>1984@OCEAN@SOFTWARE@LTD@@E 1 @@@<C>1984@OCEAN@SOFTWARE@LTD@@ 1 ;"tir na nog from Gargoyle"'' 1 ;"WAVE:";w; 1 ;"STILL LOADING" 1 ;"SOFTWARE REVIEWS"'' 1 ;"SNAKER"; 1 ;"SNAKER": 1 ;"SCORE:";s; 1 ;"PRESS ""R"" TO REPEAT": 1 ;"Move snake with the CURSOR keys","and munch the dots in the field","Try to avoid a crash with the","body of the snake","When you come further into the","game the snake starts with a","greater while your time","is less"; 1 ;"LET TAPE RUN " 1 ;"INITIALS:": 1 ;"HI-SCORE:"; 1 ;"Good luck!": 1 ;"DO YOU REQUIRE"'" PLAYING INSTRUCTIONS?(Y or N)": 1 ;"CONGRATULATIONS!!!": 1 ;" MONTY IS INNOCENT from Gremlin"'' 1 ;" LOADING " 1 ;" GIFT FROM THE GODS from Ocean"'' 1 ;" STOP TAPE THEN PRESS ANY KEY " 1 ;" Or Press 'Q' to QUIT": 1 ;" ": 1 22 and FLASH with 1 2 BYTE STACK COMMANDS 1 13 plus Fred)." 1 13 PALMERSTON DRIVE 1 ///////,'''' 1 //////,''''' 1 /////,'''''' 1 ////,''''''' 1 ///,'''''''' 1 //,''''''''' 1 /,'''''''''' 1 ,''''''''''' 1 *(c$="8")-2 1 *(c$="7"): 1 *(c$="6")-2 1 )=S(P)>S(P-1 1 )=S(P)=S(P-1 1 )=S(P)<S(P-1 1 (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( 44444444444444444444444444444444000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 1 'C$;" NOT FOUND": 1 ''''" SORRY - SNAKER REQUIRES 48K"''" LOADING NEXT PROGRAM": 1 '''"PRESS L TO LOAD FORTH SIMULATOR"''" Or any other to read again": 1 '''" A review"' 1 ''"Press L to LOAD the next sectionof the magazine." 1 ''"LOOPING-"''"DO .... LOOP Loop until loop value reaches parameter on top of stack, starting at parameter second on stack"''"SA Stack current loop value" 1 ''" A FORTH Simulation in BASIC"''" By Tat Tang"'''"These Instructions are separate from the simulation itself whichis the next file on the tape." 1 ''" DEVPAC from HISOFT"'' 1 '"Your task is to recover a numberof objects hidden in caverns connected with the catacombs andreturn them to a central point. This is complicated by the fact that a batch of Gods are using their powers of illusion to ham-per and mislead you." 1 '"You can stack control codes thisway to do PRINT AT with 1 '"You can list the words in the dictionary with 'LI', and you can list the definition of a word with 'LID'(ENTER)'theword' (ENTER). You can delete a word in the same way using 'DEL'." 1 '"You also get a booklet of extra details for using microdrives." 1 '"We thought it was going to be slow, cranky, and awkward, a suitable accompaniment for the rubberised digit crippler with which we still punch in every word in the mag (why doesn't anybody ever send us a free add-on keyboard for review?)." 1 '"We have not used the debugger much because we found it easier just to rewrite a piece of code until it stopped crashing, rather than investigate its bitsby single stepping or whatever. But when you are really stuck, this kind of aid is a must." 1 '"Using the word 'double' will then put 347 on the stack." 1 '"To put a number onto the stack you just type it into a command line, separated from other itemsby spaces. Mathematics operatorsact on numbers already on the stack, so to add 10 and 3.5 and 160 you would use the line-" 1 '"To define a word, you place a colon (:) in front of the line of commands and after entering the line, you type in its name and press ENTER again." 1 '"This string is then printed with? (question mark). To print a carriage return and 'Fred'-"''"4 ASC Fred 13 5 ?"''"The 13 is the carriage return and the 5 is put on the stack totell it how many characters to print ( 1 '"There ought to be provision for a joystick, but there isn't. Thekeyboard layout is non-definableand more complex than necessary.": 1 '"There is no check to stop you defining two words with the samename, but it just makes trouble." 1 '"There are 45 screens of fairly lurid 3D graphics. The author isapparently fond of magenta, my least favourite Spectrum colour.Sam seems to get entangled with the scenery at times, and can get eaten by a policeman whom heis not actually quite touching, but the game is a bit faster moving than similar (albeit moretastefully painted) graphic adventures, so we forgive it." 1 '"Then you could define 'double'-"''": addup addup + (ENTER)"'"double (ENTER)" 1 '"The text file for the new cover was 200 lines long, but it as- sembled in 4 seconds, and could then be run by typing just two keystrokes. This made it much quicker to try different ver- sions than by our old method." 1 '"The simulation itself follows these instructins on the tape. It has been kept separate to allow room for the program and areasonable size FORTH dictionaryto be built up even in the 16K Spectrum." 1 '"The package consists of two programs, the assembler and the debugger, and a 45 page manual." 1 '"The good news is that the new version (V4, we have V3.2M) willhave a full screen editor. It will also have microdrive to microdrive assembly for easy assembling of very large files." 1 '"The emphasis is therefore upon intellectual excitement rather than the thrills of exercising your reflexes. There are all the usual adventure hallmarks, keys, locks, magic charms and puzzles to solve, but no words to type in." 1 '"The debugger also contains a dis-assembler which can, with a slight struggle, be made to pro-duce an assembly listing accept-able to the assembler program. Just the thing for rewriting JetSet Willy." 1 '"The arithmetic symbols <, >, and= can be used to compare the toptwo numbers on the stack, and the result puts 1 on the stack if true, 0 if false." 1 '"The 'intelligent joystick' fea- ture used here means that the fire button automatically servesfor different functions depend- ing on what the hero is doing atthe time. Much better than a welter of different keys." 1 '"Slightly sloppy programming, buta most playable game.": 1 '"SO BEEP using top two stack entries as parameters"''"SAV SAVE program complete with dictionary" 1 '"Remember to put spaces between all commands and numbers, and particularily to put a space after the colon when defining a word. Permanent commands must betyped in CAPITALS." 1 '"PRINTING-"''"ASC Puts string on stack"'"? Prints string from stack (length of string must be stacked first for above)"''"P Sets PAPER to number on stack."'"I Ditto for INK"'"B Ditto for BORDER"'"CLS Clear screen" 1 '"Once on microdrive, the saving and loading of assembler text from within the program can alsobe directed to microdrive simplyby putting a number in front of the name of the file. Much lesstrouble than the Sinclair micro-drive syntax with all its quotesand semicolons." 1 '"Ocean have put out a lot of new software lately, but this is theonly one of the lot that has LOADed reliably for us. Why not ditch that trickloader, Ocean? Or use better quality tape.": 1 '"Mind you, there is a CP/M ver- sion coming soon, too, so we mayend up buying this program twice. Ulp, Pardon me while I go lie down for a bit." 1 '"MB Move PLOT cursor by x,y MT Move PLOT cursor to x,y DT Draw from last PLOT to x,yDB Draw relative by x,y"'" For the above, x and y must be on the stack." 1 '"Luckily you can SAVE games, as you tend to drop keys the wrong side of doors when you 'die'." : 1 '"Keyboard controls are fixed at Q, W, O, and K. Joysticks are Kempston and Interface 2. Cursortypes seem to have been left outthis time. The fire button is for picking up objects, but it interferes with movement on the Kempston sticks." 1 '"In fact, I believe the hydra in our snap is meant to be illusorybut it's so hard to tell what's what in a fantasy world.": 1 '"In fact the whole operation was so quick once we had everything transferred to microdrives, thatit took only a minute to recoverwhenever bugs in the routine we were writing caused a crash." 1 '"If you have a ZX printer, you can COPY each page of these instructions by pressing C." 1 '"If you don't know assembler yet,then this is an ideal beginning,but you will need some good books about programming the Z80 as well. The manual does have afew worked examples to take you through the mechanics of enter- ing, assembling, and saving a program to get you started." 1 '"INKEY$ Put CODE of key being pressed on top of stack. Must be entered as key word, Extended mode 'N'" 1 '"For instance, you might define aword 'game' as 'instuctions action hiscore' and then define 'action' as '1 10 DO move getkeyscore LOOP' and then define the 'move', 'getkey', and 'score' until you have built up a list of named subroutines that would run your game when you entered the word 'game'." 1 '"F Turn off/on 'OK' message"''"EXIT Return to BASIC, GOTO 90 to restart" 1 '"DICTIONARY-"''": Define line as word"'"LI List dictionary"'"LID List definition of word"'"DEL Delete word" 1 '"CONDITIONAL OPERATION-"''"IF...E... Execute commands after 'IF' if top entry is 1, if entry is 0 then execute commands after the 'E'" 1 '"But it's wonderful, much faster and easier to use than the big box, and no wires to trip over." 1 '"Budding cartographers will have a swell time mapping their way about this place, I haven't yet managed to find my way back to any of the places I stumbled on for a second look, except for several frustrating sojourns in the aptly named 'Empty Land'." 1 '"A whole course on FORTH is too big a task for this article, butthe above is the basic principleof the language, and it will getyou started. You can learn by doing, using the simulator. The permanent command words are listed on the following pages." 1 '"< > Compare top two entries, = stack 1 if true, 0 if not" 1 '"160 3.5 10 + + (ENTER)"''"This puts 160, 3.5 and then 10 on the stack and then takes the 10 and 3.5 off, adds them and stacks the sum. Then it takes this sum and the 160, which are now the two top stack entries, adds them and stacks the result." 1 '"0 7 DO SA B LOOP" 1 '"+ Arithmetical operators act* on top two stack entries, / and store result on stack (for subtract, add negative numbers- '-2 3 +' makes 1)" 1 '" Assembly language programming, debugging, and dis-assembly in one package." 1 ' "DEVPAC V4 is 'coming soon', but don't put off buying V3.2 as HI-SOFT offer upgrades at a nominalfee. DEVPAC V3.2 costs `14." 1 "tirnanog" 1 "forthsim" 1 "You would not normally have bothprograms loaded at the same timebut you could do so, as they areboth relocatable code and can beloaded almost anywhere." 1 "You can use CLS (spelled out) toclear the screen, and P, I, and B to change the PAPER, INK, and BORDER using the number on the top of the stack. To set the screen to black on white-"''"7 B 7 P 0 I CLS" 1 "YOUR INITIALS,PLEASE!!!"; 1 "We've only one left,they're incredibly popular","MC","The 3 dozen others are stashed in a warehouse to make you believe they're selling like hot cakes","D" 1 "We offer a good after sales service","","Providing it doesn't break down","" 1 "We liked it so much that the bigdisk computer now spends all itstime helping milady write her memoirs. In fact, all the bits of code in our new-look format, like the new cover, were writtenwith DEVPAC." 1 "We don't stock that particular item but we can sell you thisalternative","QAANAAM","Incidently it needs a `95 interface to connect it and that won't be in stock for months","FQ" 1 "Unrepeatable price","A","Buy now, we're goingto reduce the price tomorrow","QF" 1 "To set up a loop you must stack start and end values and use 'DO .... LOOP' where the dots standfor a line of commands. You can use SA to stack the current value of the loop for use by a command within the loop. To makea loop change the BORDER colour through all the colours-" 1 "To print characters, you must first stack them with ASC. Thistakes a number from the stack and stacks that many ASCII codesfrom a following string, thus-"''"4 ASC Fred" 1 "To define our addition line as the word 'addup', you would use-"''": 160 3.5 10 + + (ENTER)"'"addup (ENTER)" 1 "This program, written in BASIC, simulates most of the functions of a FORTH language interpreter."''"It does not run as fast as a proper FORTH, but it serves as an introduction to the language,and it is easier to experiment with the language itself, as youcan list and alter it in BASIC." 1 "This is the first piece of soft-ware we have ever been sent for review that we have been asked to pay for. Ordinarily we wouldnever consider such an outrage- ous idea, but just this once we will have to give in. Otherwiseit's back to wire stringing." 1 "This computer doesn't know the word obsolescence","C","The word processor spelling dictionary disk is incomplete","MC" 1 "This arcade adventure is set in classical Greek mythology, with a multitude of screens of a verysimilar appearance, only a few of which are populated with grisly monsters. Just as well, as my swordplay was remarkably ineffective on all of them." 1 "There are six joysticks in the Gods list, which should cover the lot. The keyboard gives you a choice but is not definable. You get eight way movement, as your hero can fly with his boot wings as well as run about." 1 "The most powerful aspects of FORTH are the use of a 'stack' for storage and the ability to define new command words." 1 "The monsters spring into being ashort time after you enter a screen, as in Sabre Wulf, and you have no defense but flight, so some screens are very hard toget through. Others are easy to enter but impossible to get out of. Invulnerability potions are found on some screens, and thereare guns in the armory." 1 "The manual does not attempt to teach you assembly language, butonly tells you how to use this particular assembler. If you already know assembly language programming it takes only a few hours to get familiar with this package (though I still press K instead of L for list!)." 1 "The graphics in this arcade ad- venture are the best yet seen interms of detail and animation, so you might expect the speed tobe less than blinding as a con- sequence, and so 'tis. Our Hero strolls gently about the 3D mazepursued by ambling chimpanzees." 1 "The DEVPAC assembly language package was something of a sur- prise to us sophisticated code wranglers at Spec Comp, used as we are to writing our assembler routines on a big CP/M disk machine and then downloading thethings into the Spectrum with anRS232 interface." 1 "Thank you Sir, you won't regret it","C","You won't have time,you'll be too busy trying to make the damn thing work.","C" 1 "Stack too small at ";C$: 1 "Stack empty at ";C$: 1 "PEEK x Put contents of address x on top of stack. Must be entered as keyword, Extended mode 'O'" 1 "Our staff have been specially trained todeal with that model","C","They saw it on Tomorrow's World months ago.","C" 1 "Of course this computer is state ofthe art","B","It was developed 2 years ago and is nowobsolete","QB" 1 "OTHER COMMANDS-"''"DUP Duplicates top stack entrySWAP Swaps top two entries"'"TOP Print and delete top entryNO Print number of entries S? Print whole stack, then NOHME Clear all stack entries" 1 "Note that there are no line numbers in FORTH. To write a program, you must define a set of words, making up a dictionarywhich is the program." 1 "Monty Mole has been imprisoned for 'borrowing' coal, and his buddy Sam Stoat is trying to gethim out. Sam is hindered in his task by ghosts, axe murderers, policemen, famous union leaders,and skulls on legs, all the usual monsters found in prisons." 1 "It's user friendly","K","It requires a computer science degree to operate correctly","F" 1 "It's portable","MC","In the same way as afridge-freezer......wheels are extra","BM" 1 "It's fast","RKKKM","It's faster than a ZX81 on at least onebenchmark test","PMMMMMM" 1 "It has multi-tasking","C","People can take turns using it","C" 1 "It contains a Z80a at 6mh,128k RAM 32k ROM,80 column 256* 256 bit mapped screen","RB"," "," ","CMOS RAM technology.Centronics RS232 andRS434 S100 bus interfaces.Runs CPM and comes with a TTLmonitor and a mouse","NB","I memorised this several days ago andhave no idea what itall means,but its doing wonders for mycommission","QB" 1 "Interfaces with mostperipherals","B","Providing you can get a 106 way F plugto 29 pin DIN cable with Outer Mongolianwiring instructions","F" 1 "Innocent" 1 "If the program has a weakness, it is in the line editor used towrite and edit the assembly textfile. This is slightly awkward to use compared with the Spec- trum's own BASIC editor. On a 'real' computer one would use a wordprocessor to write the text.A provision to use Tasword for this would have been welcome." 1 "IF...E... will execute the commands after the 'IF' if the number on top of the stack is 1,but if this number is 0 then thecommands after the 'E' are executed instead." 1 "Hisoft have not tried to protectthis package against copying, but actually tell you how to make a back-up copy or tranfer it to microdrive. This is in thebest tradition of professional software and makes life a lot easier." 1 "Hello, what can I unload on you today?","C" 1 "Good question. Couldyou call back tomorrow when our computer expert willbe in?","QEMFNAM","Giving me time to a)Read up on it b)Arrange a holiday c)Invent bulls**t","PF" 1 "Good afternoon Sir, can I be of service?","C" 1 "GIFT-GODS" 1 "Error at ";C$: 1 "EXAMPLES-"''"20 30 DO 0.1 SA SO LOOP"''"100 100 MT 0 0 DT 100 0 DB 100 100 DT"''"2 7 DO SA I 18 ASC SPECTRUM COMPUTING 13 19 ? LOOP 9 I" 1 "But that's quibbling, the main impression is of a large and visually stunning playing area, and the fact that you start out with little idea of what's goingon is normal in adventures, evenif the fact that you seem to getno wiser after hours of play is less usual." 1 "Beats our nearest competitor","C","Please don't compareus with our nearest competitor","B" 1 "All the permanent command words must be typed in CAPITALS. You can use lowercase for your own defined words if you wish." 1 "A real keyboard","CN","It's a plastic touchsensitive mat with little hard caps on,which wouldn't fool a 6 year old","QA" 1 "A 1 year guarantee","B","Planned obsolescence in 366 days","B" 1 " OR ANY OTHER TO": 1 " LOAD NEXT ITEM": 1 theonly one of the lot that has LOADed reliably for us. Why not ditch that trickloader, Ocean? Or use better quality tape.": 1 a ZX SPECTRUM game by 1 Only"''" Press 2 or 3 for pages or"'" Hold S for 1 48K SPECTRUMS CAN HAVEBIGGER DICTIONARY- CHANGE ABOVE TO DIM N$(100,7): 1 M.F. van Vuren 1 GRAPHIC O= 1 GRAPHIC A= 1 EXWICK 1 EXETER EX4 2JA 1 1